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Love and marriage essay

Love and marriage essay

love and marriage essay

Dec 02,  · Love Marriage | Essay | Advantages & Disadvantages | PDF Download. December 2, by Study Mentor Leave a Comment. Love marriage is not a relatively new event in our culture. It has been practised for a considerable length of time yet the occurrences of such forms of marriage in India are still low. Over the recent few years, the Indian culture has experienced enormous change- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Oct 04,  · Essay Sample: It can be a very hard topic to discuss, and even harder to obtain. There is a lot of talks nowadays about the idea; there are love song, love letters, and It seems that in the traditional view of love marriage is heavily associated with the unity and happiness of a couple Love And Marriage In Emma Goldman's 'Marriage And Love'. Words | 6 Pages. “Marriage and Love”, a short essay by Emma Goldman, gives a wonderful argument regarding love and marriage, in fact, she nails it. Marriage does not equal love or has anything nothing to do with it

The Relation between Marriage and Happiness Love Free Essay Example

In the society we live in, the popular notion about love and marriage is that they are synonymous, love and marriage essay.

This essay will discuss in depth the relationship between the two; marriage and love. Love and marriage essay will try to differentiate the difference between the two and how they are related in married couples. Most people think that love and marriage have the same origin and imply the same motives as far as human needs are concerned.

According to scholars, this is not the fact but just a notion and marriage is built over a period of time. Loving someone and being loved brings happiness but it does not necessarily mean that when a man and a woman are in love they will end up in marriage. Marriage recognizes the relationship between a man and a woman in which the self realization of each partner becomes a priority for each other.

Marriage gives the two, husband and wife the framework for mutual love and self-giving to each other. Marriage is the pillar on which romantic love is build. Accordingly, the love and friendship that exists between a woman and a man grows into a desire for marriage. Marriage thus acts as the foundation for the couple to grow into a union of soul and heart. In a marriage, children become the bond of the marriage and are its fruits.

Love, marriage and family. Marriage is defined as "a formal union between a man and a woman in which they become a husband and wife respectively. This is because love can easily assert itself in marriage and can completely outgrow a convention. Some marriages of late love and marriage essay not held together by love, but rather by public opinion, thus the husband and wife submit to it because of fear of negative publicity.

It is also true that some marriages are sustained by love and it continues in married life but, love does so regardless of marriage and not because of it. Anarchy archives. On the other hand, love and marriage essay, scholars argue that love does not result from marriage.

It is very rare to find a married couple falling in love after marriage but some argue that a couple has to adjust to fall in love when already in a union to avoid the inventible.

Growing together as a couple and getting used to each other, the intensity and beauty of love increases intimacy of a marriage otherwise the intimacy of that marriage may prove to be degrading for both the parties involved; husband and wife. Marriage is likened to an economic arrangement which is like an insurance agreement with minimal returns. The difference of marriage and the insurance pact is that marriage is more binding and exacting with very small returns when compared to investments, love and marriage essay.

But for the case of marriage, love and marriage essay, if a woman's insurance premium is the husband, then she has to pay that with her liberty, privacy, self-respect love and marriage essay her own life till death do them apart. Marriage will definitely condemn her to parasitic kind of life, life-long dependency on the husband. The husband also pays his toll; he is chained on the economic front. A scholar, Edward Carpenter, alludes that "behind every marriage stands the life-long environment of the two sexes" living in a very different environment that the two will remain strangers, love and marriage essay.

He further alleges that the two are separated by a wall of superstition, different customs, believes and habits that marriage has the potential to develop knowledge of and respect for the husband and wife that without which the union is likely to fail.

Other reasons for marriage includes desire to get a companion, for emotional support and sexual fulfillment. But for some people, they enter into marriages not because they are in love but marry just for the sake of money. In case for this kind of marriage founded on this loose principal, if money runs out what happens to that kind of marriage?

The answer is definite; the marriage will break. Other marriages are also founded on the basis that the parents pester their children to get into love and marriage essay unions and rush to please them. Other people get married away to simply run from home because of abusive parents and think that by getting married they will get the freedom they desire.

All the above examples are marriages not founded on love but still the couple may still love and marriage essay married. Mponda, love and marriage essay, F. There are however some good motives and reasons for marriage; love.

Love tends to keep the married couple together not only for the sake of the union but also because the two are in love and want each other for companionship, intimacy, sexual fulfillment and emotional support.

However, marriage founded on love is difficult to maintain if one party is not submissive to the other and thus higher expectations if not met will result to arguments.

Marriage and love are really different but through love marriage can be borne. While marriage may be as a result of love, the reverse is rarely true; people in marriage will rarely get in love but to avoid many squabbles they seem to be in love.

There are several love and marriage essay why two people may decide to get married; while one of them is marriage, some marry to run away from abusive parents, some marry for money, others marry if petered to do so and some to just show off. These marriages are not based on love for one another, love and marriage essay. For the sake of the union, some in marriage have to stay even without love.

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love and marriage essay

Love Marriage essays Many people in our society believe in love marriage, because this type of marriage is based on understanding between the two parts, and the settlement in their family. They also live in happiness and peace, because they had chosen each other from the beginning Oct 04,  · Essay Sample: It can be a very hard topic to discuss, and even harder to obtain. There is a lot of talks nowadays about the idea; there are love song, love letters, and It seems that in the traditional view of love marriage is heavily associated with the unity and happiness of a couple Sep 30,  · The thesis of your essay, in other words, will argue that one of our specific stories can help modern scholars better understand the time from which it came. Possible themes to explore include (but are not limited to) the following: Love and Marriage War and Responsibilities of a Soldier Social Views of Death Conflicting Ideas of Morality

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