Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Literature review on online payment systems

Literature review on online payment systems

literature review on online payment systems

few years, the use of m-payments as a new payment channel has resulted in an increase in the volume of literature dedicated to the topic. For this reason, this paper presents the findings of a review of literature aimed at identifying the key research themes and methodologies researched. In order to uncover these trendsFile Size: KB 2 Dollar Essay is cheap essay writing service for students where rates for a college essay are as low as $2 per Literature Review On Online Payment Systemspage only. Get a free plagiarism report with your essays. They are diamonds when its about low budget and requirement is A/10() To promote the usage of electronic payment system, consumers need education in relation to their liability that might incur from the use of new types of electronic money so they can understand the differences between new digital payment systems and traditional payment mechanisms in order to make their choice accordingly when buying online

Review of Related Literature on Payment Gateway using Dragonpay Service

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Log In with Facebook Log In with Google Sign Up with Apple. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Electronic payment system: A complete guide Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences e-ISSN: Multidisciplines Publications. Awais Ahmed. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of literature review on online payment systems paper.

Electronic payment system: A complete guide. Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences www. ahmed nu. pk Received: 01 April ; Accepted: 10 May ; Published online: 01 July Abstract. In contrast to the previous century when the concept of electronic transfer was proposed, nowadays, electronic payments are drastically increased due to the rapid increase in online shopping or Internet-based banking. Visa cards, master-card, smart cards, debit cards, credit cards, e-check, and e-wallet, are the options for e-payments.

Behind the acceptance of the new payment system depend upon the three factors- cost, time, and literature review on online payment systems per transaction take the place of each other. This paper will highlight the background study, types of electronic payment systems available, and which payment method users should choose considering the cost, time, and security factors.

This research will also identify the issues and challenges of e-payments and suggest solutions to improve performance and quality in developing countries.

This review paper aims to introduce the reader to electronic payment and update the reader with the current state of the art in the electronic payment system and provide an overview of past efforts and future trends of electronic payment transfer.

Keywords: e-payments, e-transaction, e-transfer, types-of-e-payments, future trends in e-payments Cite this as: Ahmed, A, literature review on online payment systems.

Introduction The transfer of payment electronically is an alternate mode of paying payments to the payee; in such cases, the electronic payment system arises as the third party serves the payee and payer. In other words, we can say that e-payment is a type of service that serves the customer who buys the goods over the internet via online shopping portals available at their local countries or globally, and it adds value to the online shopping provider and increases the ratio of sell.

Concerning previous research work, the current amount of research work in this field is increasing day by day, but there is a lack of systematic literature review which is not yet addressed; therefore, this research work will contribute to the systematic literature review part as this study will be helpful for the upcoming research work within the field.

The secondary objective of this study is to I systematically collect, analyze and synthesize all previously available studies within the domain for specific keywords that satisfy the study area in a somewhat manner in order to summarize the previous work, II Provide a literature review on online payment systems of payments systems available globally, II provide a compare and contrast table for the different factors named cost, time and security per transaction for the globally available payments system, and III Highlight the issues and suggest some solution for improvement of performance and quality.

Research questions RQ of this experiment were: RQ Creating a background of different payment including traditional and e-payment methods and comparisons of currently available electronic payment methods, literature review on online payment systems. RQ Table of Differentiating between traditional payments and e-payments in terms of security. RQ Defining Electronic Commerce E-Commerceits categories, and size of the business in each category.

Page 2 of 17 2. Defining the e-payment system The developments taking place in information and communication technology are increasing competition in financial institutions worldwide. Thus, the deployment of advanced technologies is essential to achieve a competitive advantage. In the world of banking, the development of E-Banking has an enormous effect on the development of more flexible payment methods and more user-friendly banking services [1,2,3,25].

Payment is the transfer of monetary value. A payment system consists of a set of transfer systems that ensure the instruments, banking procedures, and, typically, interbank funds circulation of money [1,2,22,30]. Furthermore, for extending the payment system in detail— the payments system is a third-party that helps payer and payee transfer and receive money respectively, or in other words, we can say that payment system is a backbone for creating a connection between payer and payee [2,31].

They are becoming an essential part of, and are greatly necessary for, further development of electronic commerce and electronic business, and of course, payment must have the following characteristics to become accepted around the world [4,5]. Atomicity must ensure that no loss of existing money and the new transaction can be made [5,37]. Security: The system must ensure the possibility of fraud within the system.

Availability: The system must be available during the said working hours. Cost-effective: The transaction cost must obey the rules as per authority. The ability of integration: The system must ensure that it can work with all other existing payment systems that resemble the properties, and they must be integrated with the new payment system within the same environment [5,37].

Review method This section provides details about how we begin with our systematic literature review process; the following subsection is detailed about the review method.

Review protocol This systematic search begins with a comprehensive review protocol based on the guiding principles and procedures of the systematic literature. This part contains the background history of research, search strategy, literature review on online payment systems, research questions, inclusion, and exclusion criteria; the background is already described in the previous section, and the rest of it is an upcoming subsection.

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Inclusion Exclusion The acceptance was only English-Language All other excluded It must be published between Jan to Aug Same as above If available full text Same as above Related to the topic, All keyword searches included Same as above 3. We excluded poster sessions, presentations, articles, and any material that was found duplicated.

Before including any paper, we had ensured that the paper must satisfy our inclusion criteria and be related to the central theme; if not, we excluded it. Table 1 shows further details of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Page 3 of 17 3. The automatic keyword-based search begins with identifying keywords related to the electronic-payment system with all possible methods of adding punctuations, literature review on online payment systems, while the manual search was beginning after the completion of automatic.

Automatic search provides us material based on keywords while manual-based search provides us results based on the results of automatic, we manually pick references and search for that if found related material we added it and manually search for all other versions of research work added it if found related. Hence, we named these two searches as primary PS and secondary search SS. Figure 1, literature review on online payment systems. Search Strategy 3.

Study selection process The study selection process was based on the toll-gate approach as described in [6,7,8]. First, we noted down the number of keywords to search; then we began our search strategy in all searches as mentioned earlier engines; using the selected keywords, we found counts as a primary search automatic keyword-based search.

We added all the founded searches in Mendeley a tool for managing the bibliography of publications. Out of these searches, 94 were found duplicates and merged. Further, by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria mentioned in Table 1, literature review on online payment systems, we finally develop studies. We began our steps towards the secondary search mentioned in the previous section; we identified another paper related to the keywords. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, we remained with 55 papers, and the total count is only Here, 55 studies were identified as a source for moving forward to the literature review, and all the papers are listed in the reference section.

Table 2. Page 4 of 17 The distribution of search strategy before and after the selection is mentioned in tabular form in Table 2, and here we can see that before the selection process majority of papers were found in Springer link followed by Elsevier 73followed by research gate and IEEE explore 1 and 1. Quality assessment QA The objective of the quality assessment criteria based on quality questions QQ is to decide on selecting study papers.

In order to find the quality paper, the following question was applied to each selected paper. QQ Are the topics and finding addressed in the paper related to our literature review? QQ Is the research context clearly defined in the study? QQ Is the research methodology mentioned clearly in the literature review on online payment systems QQ Is the data collection method clearly defined in the study?

QQ Is the data analysis accurate and properly referenced? These five QA criteria are taken under the inspiration of [8]; this design is divided into three levels high, medium, and low for differentiating these studies.

These three-level criteria were based on some scaling measures as we awarded a score of 2 to support a high level, followed by 1 awarded to support medium level and 0 for low. We awarded score individually every study based on quality questions- collectively if a study scored more than 5 we categorized as high, and if a study cored greater than 3 and less than or equal to 5 we categorized as a medium, literature review on online payment systems, and finally we categorized as low if a study earns not more than 3.

Even this quality assurance assessment is a highly subjective one, in counterpart, literature review on online payment systems, we also read almost all the research studies, and now we can comment about QA assessment, as this study will be a complete guide towards the electronic world of payments. See Figure 2, which shows the percentage and count for the studies after applying quality assessment. Quality assessment score sheet 3. Data extraction and synthesis The process of data extraction and literature review on online payment systems was beginning by reading carefully and extracting valuable data related to the topic from the selected study papers count as 50 listed below in the bibliography section.

This step's purpose was to maintain an MS excel sheet for creating statistics tables and figures to present in human-readable. The following list of columns was considered in this study: Paper ID P1, P2, … and so on to identify study id, study title, the authors, date of publication, database provider, publication source, research context, document type, a topic addressed, and citation count.

These lists of columns were used to synthesize data and provide a human-readable form, and it was also easy to maintain a record of each study against these attributes; after this step, we have Excel Sheet which is maintaining all this information for us.

Table 3 listing those columns and describing more about these columns. Page 5 of 17 Table 3. Data extraction criteria for each study Name of the attribute used to extract data Description Paper ID Uniquely identification of paper Study title Title of the study paper The author Author of study Date Date of publication of the paper Database provider Availability of paper with free access Publication source Who is the publisher of the selected study paper?

Topic addressed Is this study addressing the topic of study? Citation count Count of the citation of the selected study paper. Results of SLR This section aims to provide details about the work done before beginning with a systematic literature review. Here, in this section, we provide results from spreadsheets- in detail, this section highlights the publication resource, publication type, citation count, research methodologies, and methods of study.

In the end, in this section, we present the context literature review on online payment systems research that has been literature review on online payment systems. The following subsequent sub-section describes the study further in detail. Publication source overview Most of the studies were published in high Impact Factor journal articles, and leading conferences can be noted from the citation count of each paper one of them is considering the highest cited in our case.

Thus, the selection of such papers will result in the quality of systematic review and overall assessment of findings. Publication source 4. Citation status Generally, talking about all selected studies' citation count is good enough; this leads to the quality of papers included in this systematic literature review, and of course, it is an indicator of the studies' good impact factor.

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Literature Review of Online Payment System | PDF | Debit Card | E Commerce

literature review on online payment systems

Materials and methods In this study/review paper, we give an overview of an electronic payment system, discuss the background history, highlight current available payments system against e-commerce, individual features of each payment system in a tabular form, highlight the security flaws, and finally identify issues, and suggest a solution based on study and understanding few years, the use of m-payments as a new payment channel has resulted in an increase in the volume of literature dedicated to the topic. For this reason, this paper presents the findings of a review of literature aimed at identifying the key research themes and methodologies researched. In order to uncover these trendsFile Size: KB Oct 01,  · Review of Related Literature on Payment Gateway using Dragonpay Service. The project entitled Payment Gateway System is an online platform which allows the students to pay their tuition and other school contributions online using the dragonpay payment service. The development tools used for this project are purely free and open source technology such as

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