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Christian revivalism is increased spiritual interest or renewal in the life of a church congregation or society, with a local, national or global effect. This should be distinguished from the use of the term "revival" to refer to an evangelistic meeting or series of benjamin welsh dissertation see Revival meeting. Proponents view revivals as the restoration of the church itself to a vital and fervent relationship with God after a period of moral decline.
Within Christian studies the concept of revival is derived from biblical narratives of national decline and restoration during the history of the Israelites. In particular, narrative accounts of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah emphasise periods of national decline and revival associated with the rule of various wicked or righteous kings, respectively.
Josiah is notable within this biblical narrative as a figure who reinstituted temple worship of Yahweh while destroying pagan worship, benjamin welsh dissertation. Within modern Church history, church historians have identified and debated the effects of various national revivals within the history of the US and other countries.
During the 18th and 19th centuries American society experienced a number of " Awakenings " around the years,and More recent revivals in the 20th century include those of the — Welsh RevivalAzusa Street Revivals Balokoles Jesus peopleBario Revival and Chile Revival which spread in the Americas, Africa, and Asia among Protestants and Catholics.
Many Christian revivals drew inspiration from the missionary work of early monks, from the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation and from the uncompromising stance of benjamin welsh dissertation Covenanters in 17th-century Scotland and Ulster, that came to Virginia and Pennsylvania with Presbyterians and other non-conformists, benjamin welsh dissertation.
Its character formed part of the mental framework that led to the American War of Independence and the Civil War. The 18th century Age of Enlightenment had two camps: those who identified humans as only intellectual beings, Rationalistsand those who believed humans to be only passionate beings, followers of Romanticism.
The philosophy of Earl of Shaftesbury III led to a Proto-Romanticism that mixed with Christian worship to produce a tertium quid. The Methodist revival of John Wesleybenjamin welsh dissertation, Charles Wesley and George Whitefield in England and Daniel RowlandHowel Harris and William WilliamsPantycelyn in Wales and the Great Awakening in America prior to the Revolution. A similar but smaller scale revival in Scotland took place at Cambuslangthen a village and is known as the Cambuslang Work.
In the American colonies the First Great Awakening was a wave of religious enthusiasm among Protestants that swept the American colonies in the s and s, leaving a permanent impact on American religion. It resulted from powerful preaching that deeply affected listeners already church members with a deep sense of personal guilt and salvation by Christ.
Pulling away from ancient ritual benjamin welsh dissertation ceremony, the Benjamin welsh dissertation Awakening made religion intensely emotive to the average person by creating a deep sense benjamin welsh dissertation spiritual guilt and redemption.
Historian Sydney E. Ahlstrom sees it as part of a "great international Protestant upheaval" that also created Pietism in Germany, the Evangelical Revival and Methodism in England. It incited rancor and division between the traditionalists who argued for ritual and doctrine and the revivalists who ignored or sometimes avidly contradicted doctrine, benjamin welsh dissertation, e.
George Whitfield's being denied a pulpit in Anglican Churches after denying Anglican Doctrine. Its democratic features had a major impact in shaping the CongregationalPresbyterianDutch Reformedand German Reformed denominations, and strengthened the small Baptist and Methodist denominations. It had little impact on Anglicans and Quakers. Unlike the Second Great Awakening that began about and which reached out to the unchurchedthe First Great Awakening focused on people who were already church members.
It changed their rituals, their piety, and their self-awareness. The Hungarian Baptist church sprung out of revival with the perceived liberalism of the Hungarian reformed church during the late s. Many thousands of people were baptized in a revival that was led primarily by uneducated laymen, the so-called "peasant prophets".
During the 18th century, England saw a series of Methodist revivalist campaigns that stressed the tenets of faith set forth by John Wesley and that were conducted in accordance with a careful strategy. In addition to stressing the evangelist combination of "Bible, cross, conversion, and activism," the revivalist movement of the 19th century made benjamin welsh dissertation toward a universal appeal — rich and poor, urban and rural, and men and women.
Special efforts were made to benjamin welsh dissertation children and to generate literature to spread the revivalist message. Gobbett discusses the usefulness of historian Elie Halévy 's thesis explaining why England did not undergo a social revolution in the period —, a time that appeared ripe for violent social upheaval.
Halévy suggested that a politically conservative Methodism forestalled revolution among the largely uneducated working class by redirecting its energies toward spiritual rather than temporal affairs.
The thesis has engendered strong debate among historians, benjamin welsh dissertation several have adopted and modified Halévy's thesis. Some historians, such as Robert Wearmouth, suggest that evangelical revivalism directed working-class attention toward moral regeneration, not social radicalism. Others, including E. Thompsonclaim that Methodism, though a small benjamin welsh dissertation, had a politically regressive effect on efforts for reform.
Some historians question the Halévy thesis. Eric Hobsbawm claims that Methodism was not a large enough movement to have been able to prevent revolution.
Alan Gilbert suggests that Methodism's supposed antiradicalism has been misunderstood by historians, suggesting that it was seen as a socially benjamin welsh dissertation movement and the majority of Methodists were moderate radicals.
Early in the 19th century the Scottish minister Thomas Chalmers had an important influence on the evangelical revival movement. Chalmers began life as a moderate in the Church of Scotland and an opponent of evangelicalism.
During the winter of —04, benjamin welsh dissertation presented a series of lectures that outlined a reconciliation of the apparent incompatibility between the Genesis account of creation and the findings of the developing science of geology. However, by he had become an evangelical and would eventually lead the Disruption of that resulted in the formation of the Free Benjamin welsh dissertation of Scotland.
The Plymouth Brethren started with John Nelson Darby at this time, a result of disillusionment with denominationalism and clerical hierarchy. The established churches too, were influenced by the evangelical revival.
In a group of Anglican clergymen led by John Henry Newman and John Keble began the Oxford Movement. However its objective was to renew the Church of England by reviving certain Roman Catholic doctrines and rituals, thus distancing themselves as far as possible from evangelical enthusiasm. Many say that Australia has never been benjamin welsh dissertation by a genuine religious revival as in other countries, but that is not entirely true.
The effect of the Great Awakening of —59 was also felt in Australia fostered mainly by the Methodist Church. Evangelical fervor was its height during the s benjamin welsh dissertation visiting evangelists, R. Torrey, Wilbur J. Chapman, benjamin welsh dissertation, Charles M. Alexander and others winning many converts in their Crusades. The Crusades of American evangelist Billy Graham in the s had significant impact on Australian Churches.
Evangelicalism arrived from Britain as an already mature movement characterized by commonly shared attitudes toward doctrine, spiritual life, benjamin welsh dissertation, and sacred history. Any attempt to periodize the history of the movement in Australia should examine the role of revivalism and the oscillations between emphases on personal holiness and social concerns.
Historians have examined the revival movements in Scandinavia, with special attention to the growth of organizations, church history, missionary history, social class and religion, women in religious movements, religious geography, benjamin welsh dissertation, the lay movements as counter culture, ethnology, and social force.
Some historians approach it as a cult process since the revivalist movements tend to rise and fall. Others study it as minority discontent with the status quo or, after the revivalists gain wide acceptance, as a majority that tends to impose its own standards. In the U. the Second Great Awakening —30s was the second great religious revival in United States history and consisted of renewed personal salvation experienced in revival meetings.
Major leaders included Asahel NettletonJames Brainerd TaylorCharles Grandison FinneyLyman BeecherBarton StoneAlexander CampbellPeter Cartwright and James B. Charles Finney — was a key leader of the evangelical revival movement in America. From onwards he conducted revival meetings across many north-eastern states and won many converts. For him, a revival was not a miracle but a change of mindset that was ultimately a matter for the individual's free will.
His revival meetings created anxiety in a penitent's mind that one could only save his or her soul by submission to the will of God, benjamin welsh dissertation, as illustrated by Finney's quotations from the Bible.
Finney also conducted revival meetings in England, first in and later to England and Scotland in — In New Englandthe renewed interest in religion inspired a wave of social activism, including abolitionism In the West now upper South especially — at Cane Ridge, Kentucky and in Tennessee — the revival strengthened the Methodists and Baptists.
The Churches of Christ and Christian Church Disciples of Christ arose from the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement, benjamin welsh dissertation. It also introduced into America a new form of religious expression — the Scottish camp meeting, benjamin welsh dissertation. A movement in Swiss, eastern French, German, and Dutch Protestant history known as le Réveil German: die ErweckungDutch: Het Reveil, benjamin welsh dissertation.
In German-speaking Europe Lutheran Johann Georg Hamann benjamin welsh dissertation was a leading light in the new wave of evangelicalism, the Erweckungwhich spread across the land, cross-fertilizing with British movements, benjamin welsh dissertation. The movement began in the Francophone world in connection with a circle of pastors and seminarians at French-speaking Protestant theological seminaries in GenevaSwitzerland and MontaubanFrance, influenced inter alia by the visit of Scottish Benjamin welsh dissertation Robert Haldane in — The circle included such figures as Merle D'AubigneCésar MalanFelix Neffand the Monod brothers.
As these men travelled out, the movement spread to Lyon and Paris in France, benjamin welsh dissertation, to Berlin and Eberfeld in Benjamin welsh dissertation and to the Netherlands. Several missionary societies were founded to support this work, such as the British-based Continental society and the indigenous Geneva Evangelical Society.
The Réveil also inspired the International Committee of the Red Crosswhich was established in Geneva in by a group of young professional followers of the movement. As well as supporting existing Protestant denominations, in France and Germany the movement led to the creation of Free Evangelical Church groupings: the Union des Églises évangéliques benjamin welsh dissertation and Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden in Deutschland.
In the Netherlands the movement was taken forward by Willem Bilderdijkwith Isaäc da CostaAbraham CapadoseSamuel Iperusz Wiseliusbenjamin welsh dissertation, Willem de Clercq and Groen van Prinsterer as his pupils.
The movement was politically influential and actively involved in improving society, and — at the end of the 19th century — brought about anti-revolutionary benjamin welsh dissertation Christian historical parties. At the same time in Britain figures such as William Wilberforce benjamin welsh dissertation Thomas Chalmers were active, although they are not considered to be part of the Le Reveil movement.
In North America the Third Great Awakening began from onwards in Canada and spread throughout the world including America and Australia. Significant names include Dwight L. MoodyIra D. SankeyWilliam Booth and Catherine Booth founders of the Salvation ArmyCharles Spurgeon and James Caughey.
Hudson Taylor began the China Inland Mission and Thomas John Barnardo founded his famous orphanages. Representative was Rev. James Caughey, an American sent by the Wesleyan Methodist Church to Canada from the s through He brought in the converts by the score, most notably in the revivals in Canada West — His technique combined restrained emotionalism with a clear call for personal commitment, coupled with follow-up action to organize support from converts.
Benjamin welsh dissertation was a time when the Holiness Movement caught fire, with the revitalized interest of men and women in Christian perfection. Caughey successfully bridged the gap between the style of earlier camp meetings and the needs of more sophisticated Methodist congregations in the emerging cities. In England the Keswick Convention movement began out of the British Holiness movementencouraging a lifestyle of holinessunity and prayer.
On 21 September Jeremiah Lanphiera businessman, began a series of prayer meetings in New York. By the beginning of the congregation was crowded, often with a majority of businessmen. Newspapers reported that over 6, were attending various prayer meetings in New York, and 6, in Pittsburgh. Daily prayer meetings were held in Washington, D. at 5 different times to accommodate the crowds.
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